
Buttons are HTML elements that are clickable that help with user's interaction with the website. Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.

Buttons - Variants

There are 3 button variants - default, rounded and curved corners. Use the class btn, rounded-btn, or curved-btn for the preferred variant.

<!-- add the class "btn", "rounded-btn" or "curved-btn" -->
<button class="rounded-btn ">

Primary Buttons

Primary buttons provide extra visual weight and identify the primary action in a set of buttons. Use class pri-btn for primary buttons along with the preferred button variant.

<!-- add the class "pri-btn" along with the button variant -->
<button class="btn pri-btn">

Secondary Buttons

Use class sec-btn for secondary buttons along with the preferred button variant.

<!-- add the class "sec-btn" along with the button variant -->
<button class="rounded-btn sec-btn">

Icon Buttons

For buttons with icons, use class icon-btn. You may use classes icon-pri for primary, icon-light or icon-darkfor the light and dark variants.

<!-- add the class "icon-btn", along with the preferred variant -->
<button class="icon-btn curved-btn icon-dark">
    <span class="material-icons md-18 material-icons-outlined">
    </span> Watch Later

Floating Action Buttons

Floating Action Button (FAB), shaped like a circled icon floating above the UI, is a tool that allows users to call out the key parts of your app. Use class fab-default, fab-extended, or fab-squircle for the preferred shapes along with the class fab to get the below floating action buttons.

<!-- add the class "fab", along with the preferred shape variant -->
<button class="fab fab-extended">
    <span class="material-icons md-18 material-icons-outlined">
    <p class="fab-ext-text">Add Item</p>